Home Malayalam Lenten Meditation Day-29 | Jesus, the Lifter of My Head by Rev. Sunil Joy Koippallil
Lenten Meditation Day-29 | Jesus, the Lifter of My Head by Rev. Sunil Joy Koippallil
By Marthoma.org Videos March 19, 2021 0
Jesus, the Lifter of My Head à´¯േà´¶ു à´Žà´¨്à´±െ തല ഉയർത്à´¤ുà´¨്നവൻ 18 à´¸ംവത്സരം à´•ൂà´¨ിà´¯ായസ്à´¤്à´°ീà´¯െ à´¯േà´¶ു à´¸ൗà´–്യമാà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ു. Sabbath is for making people closer to God. Laws are intended to make human more human. He is our "lifter" from our sickness to our wellbeing; from our problems to solutions/ answer of life. The Holy Bible invites you to listen to the voice of God